Keeping Your Generator Fed: 4 Tips For Long-Term Fuel Storage

A generator will keep the lights on and your hearth warm if the electricity goes out. However, you have to feed it fuel for it to do its job. Unfortunately, most emergency situations, such as extreme weather conditions and the zombie apocalypse, make it difficult to purchase fuel. Not only is getting to the gas station physically difficult in these situations, it is often futile because many gas stations close up shop. [Read More]

Go With The Flow: How To Cool Down Your Home And Yourself As Quickly As Possible

If you have air conditioning, you face a choice between increasing your utility bill or dealing with an insufferably hot place when you come home on a hot day. If you run the air conditioner while you're gone, even at a higher temperature than normal, you'll end up spending more money, not to mention using up power supplies from an already strained power grid. If you leave it off, your place will become very stuffy. [Read More]

Understanding An Air-Source Heat Pump

When you are looking for equipment to condition the air in your home, you might think that you need an AC unit to cool your home and a separate furnace or heater to heat your home. This is not always the case. In some cases, you may be able to utilize one piece of equipment and get all the benefit that you need. The key is to match your equipment to the climate that you live in. [Read More]

5 Ways To Lower Heating Costs

As winter gets closer, it is important to look at ways that you can lower your heating bill. It is important to take care of your furnace and do simple things like regularly changing the air filters. There are several strategies that you can use. These suggestions can also help you lower your cooling bill too. Schedule Maintenance for Your Furnace and Air Conditioning System It helps to have an HVAC specialist come out and go over your heating and cooling system at least once a year. [Read More]