Updating Your HVAC Unit

Preparing To Cool Your House For The Summer

As the weather starts to warm up, you should work on preparing your home for efficient cooling. You want to make sure your central air conditioner is ready to go, the house is ready to hold the cold air in and you are going to be able to get the air where you need it most.

Preparing your air conditioner

The first thing to understand is the sooner you start using the air conditioner, the more it will be used all summer. Even when you do all you can to cut down on the energy costs associated with using it, the air conditioner will still raise your bills some. For this reason, put off turning it on for the first time for as long as possible.

You should have a tech come out to check over your system before you even turn it on. This way, you can be sure that it is going to function properly and is ready to go. Dust off all the vents so they don't blow all the dust that has settled on them all winter into your house. Also, replace the filter at the beginning of the season and check it each month while you are using the air.

Weed all around the outside motor encasement and provide it with some proper shading, whether that shade comes from a tree or an awning you have installed. Clean out the inside of the casing where the motor is housed, making sure no small animals have made a home inside the area while the unit wasn't in use.

Insulating the inside of your home

It is important to make sure the attic has been fully insulated. Many attics only get partially insulated, so you do want to verify this by having a look. Consider tinting the windows, especially the ones that take on the most sun during the heat of the day. You can put foil on the inside of the windows to reflect the hot sun if you are in a jam.

Circulating the cool air

Ceiling fans will help to move the cool air put out by the air conditioner around the house. Leave all the doors inside your home open so the air can move freely from one part of the house to the other. Also, don't close off any vents, even in rooms that are kept empty. These tips will help you to keep your house nice and cooled.

Contact a company specializing in heating and air conditioning for more information.
