How To Extend The Lifespan Of Your Heat Pump

Your home's heat pump works throughout the year to maintain your interior comfort levels by providing either hot or cold air, depending on the season. Like all appliances, this constant usage will have a marked wear and tear effect on your heat pump, which can cause its effectiveness and efficiency to degrade over time. Fortunately, there are a number of things that you can do to extend the lifespan of your heat pump and keep it working as intended for as long as possible. [Read More]

Tips For Maximizing The Efficiency Of Your Air Conditioner In The Heat Of Summer

If it seems like all your air conditioner is doing during the hot summer season is operating endlessly and running up your power bill, then you will be happy to know there are things you can do to improve its efficiency. An efficiently running central air conditioning unit will effectively cool your home and not cost you an arm and a leg in electricity costs while doing so. To this end, you can improve the effectiveness of your home's air conditioner by following each of these tips: [Read More]

Back Home After A Long Winter? 4 Steps To Get Your Plumbing Ready For Spring

Spring will be here soon. If you've been away for the winter, it's time to get your home ready to be lived in again. If you haven't inspected your plumbing yet, you should take care of that as soon as possible. Your plumbing sat dormant all winter, which means there could be some hidden problems that will need to be tended to. Here's a list of four plumbing issues you should take care of now that you're home. [Read More]

What Is Causing Your HVAC to Leak?

A leaky HVAC system is not just an inconvenience, it could be a sign that your system is not operating as efficiently as it should. Water leaks should not be ignored because a bigger problem could be on the horizon. If your HVAC system is leaking, here are some troubleshooting steps you can take before calling for help.  Check the Overflow Pan The overflow pan is designed to catch condensation from your HVAC system. [Read More]