Updating Your HVAC Unit

Benefits Of Boiler Heating Systems

Many uses forced air heating systems, such as gas furnaces, to heat their homes. However, the HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) industry has other heating systems you can use. One is a boiler, which uses hot water or steam to heat the house. Below are reasons to consider a boiler.

Energy Efficiency

Boilers are energy-efficient because they use water to transfer heat to different parts of the house. Water holds heat better than other energy-transfer mediums, such as air. As such, a boiler heating system uses less energy to heat your home to the required temperature than other systems that rely on air.

Even Heating

Boiler systems circulate heated water, for example, via under-floor radiators. The radiators heat the flooring materials that radiate heat into the room. This kind of heat transfer warms the house evenly. Thus, you are unlikely to experience uneven heating from boiler systems.

High IAQ

Boiler heating systems do not affect indoor air quality (IAQ). If you have a high IAQ, to begin with, you will continue to enjoy the clean air once your boiler starts running. The heating medium (water) does not mix with your indoor air. This operation differs from forced air systems, where pollutants can get into the air circulating in your home and lower IAQ.

Ease of Maintenance and Durability

Moving parts in appliances, such as HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), experience friction, generate heat, and experience wear and tear. As such, moving parts often experience more breakdowns than static parts.

Thus, appliances with few moving parts experience less wear and tear than other appliances. Boilers have few moving parts because they don't force air to circulate in the house. Limited wear and tear translate to ease of maintenance and increases lifespans.

Quiet Operations

HVAC noises typically come from moving parts and air movements. For example, furnaces make noises from motors, duct expansions, and air rushing in and out of registers or vents. Although HVAC noises are usually not at bothersome levels (for well-maintained systems), boiler systems are even quieter and suit those who need silent houses.

Low Operating Costs

Boiler systems have low operating costs for several main reasons. For example, boiler systems:

  • Are energy efficient
  • Are easy to maintain
  • Do not break down frequently

The above reasons mean boilers might incur high initial costs but attract relatively running costs afterward.

Consider several HVAC systems before settling on one. Discuss the cost, maintenance, efficiency, and reliability with your HVAC contractor to help you choose the most suitable for your circumstances. For more information on heating services, contact a professional near you.
