Updating Your HVAC Unit

4 Tips To Help Prepare For An AC Replacement That Makes Your Home More Energy-Efficient

If you have an old AC, it may be time to have it replaced to reduce the costs of constant repairs and improve the energy efficiency of your home. When you get ready to have your AC replaced, there are some things that you will want to do to prepare for the project, such as cleaning clutter and consulting and HVAC service about options for AC replacement. Here are some tips that will help you prepare for an AC replacement project.

1. Know When Repair Costs Are Too Much and Contact an HVAC Service

The first step in preparing for an AC replacement is knowing when it is time to have your AC replaced. One of the signs that it is time to have your AC replaced is when repairs become frequent and costly. Talk to an AC contractor about getting an estimate for replacement when your AC has reached the end of its life and needs to be replaced.

2. Clearing the Clutter to Make AC Replacement Easier to Do

There may be clutter around your AC that can cause problems when it needs to be replaced. To speed up the process and make sure that work can easily be done, you will want to make sure that you clean up any clutter near areas where AC equipment needs to be replaced. This includes the AC condensing unit, as well as areas where work is going to be done to the ductwork.

3. Choosing the Type of AC Equipment That You Want to Have Installed

There are many different choices of equipment when you need to have an AC replaced. It is important that you talk to the HVAC contractor about the type of equipment that you want to have installed. You may want to add energy-efficient solutions like a ductless AC for a sunroom or heat pump AC systems. Talk to them about the types of AC equipment that will help make your home more efficient.

4. Talk with The HVAC Contractor About What You Can Do to Help with The Replacement

There may be other things that you can do to help with the AC replacement project. You can talk to the HVAC contractor about some of the things that you can do yourself to speed up the process of replacement. These tasks may include things like demolition of old ductwork or preparing materials to make them easy to access.

These are some tips that will help you prepare for an AC replacement project. If your old AC is starting to be costly to repair constantly, contact an HVAC company like Dale and Lee's Service Inc and talk to them about some of the AC replacement options for your home. 
