Updating Your HVAC Unit

Comparing High And Low Velocity Air Conditioners

Central air conditioning units provide you with cool air through ductwork that is installed throughout your home. All central air conditioning systems can be broadly grouped into two main categories: high and low velocity. Both types of systems perform the same function, but do so in a different manner, which lends each of them a distinct set of advantages and disadvantages. Understanding the features of both types of air conditioners can help you choose the one that best first your needs.

Low Velocity Air Conditioners

Like their name suggests, low velocity air conditioning systems move air throughout your home at low speeds. They make use of large ducts that dump cool air into your home, and allowing that cool air to spread as it disperses heat. The main advantage of low velocity air conditioners is that they are fairly affordable, and make up the majority of all air conditioning units on the market. Additionally, they operate fairly quietly, and you will most likely be unable to tell by sound alone whether the system is on or not.

However, low velocity air conditioners take up a lot of space, as the ducts that they use are fairly large. Additionally, as they work by dumping air into one area of a room and allowing the air to circulate on its own, it can take a while before you start to feel the effect of your air conditioning.

High Velocity Air Conditioners

High velocity air conditioning systems, predictably, move air throughout your home at high speeds. The main draw of high velocity air conditioners is that they make use of much smaller ducts than low velocity systems do, which makes it very easy to install high velocity systems throughout your home. Additionally, they cool down your home much faster than low velocity systems, as they move air quicker throughout your home, which can be a major draw in areas that have extremely hot climates.

However, high velocity air conditioning systems are significantly more expensive than low velocity systems, which can restrict their applicability to some homeowners operating under a tight budget. Additionally, high velocity air conditioners tend to make more noise than low velocity systems, as the air is being delivered at a higher speed, increasing the chances of ductwork becoming loose and rattling or banging while the system is in use. Additionally, the audible sound of high speed air flowing into a room can be distracting or intrusive.

Contact a local contractor, like Weather Control Air Conditioning, Inc., for more information.
